Dive Deeper into Candidate Transparency and Accountability

An Example of the Candidate Profile Input Form

On this page, you’ll find the iVote Candidate Profile Form brought to life with tooltips and examples that coach candidates through sharing their story, qualifications, and policy plans with depth and clarity. This structured format is designed to make it easier for voters to compare candidates side-by-side, ensuring that important issues are addressed without getting lost in vague or disorganized answers.

The insight you’ll gain here is not just from the candidates’ responses, but from the structured framework we've provided to help them deliver transparency. Whether candidates go into detail or offer surface-level responses, you’ll see the difference clearly. This form holds candidates accountable by revealing how seriously they take their platform and how much substance they bring to their positions—or where they might be avoiding critical questions.

We don’t expect candidates to have something to say on every issue, and voters might not care about every topic presented. This form covers a wide range of concerns to reflect the diverse interests of Idaho’s voters. By maintaining a structured format, iVote ensures that candidates stay on topic and that voters can easily access and compare the information they care about. The purpose is to create a clear, actionable pathway from your concerns to their solutions.

After the input form, we show how it will look on the iVote platform.   To create a better user experience for the voter, only sections with a response will be displayed on the candidate's profile (the example profile has no response for Goal 1). This removes the clutter from Candidate Profiles.

Candidate Profile Input Form - County Commisioner

My Story

Example:  Growing up, I spent countless hours helping my parents on their small farm. From a young age, I learned the importance of hard work, collaboration, and contributing to the community. After working in both the private and public sectors for nearly 30 years, I’ve seen firsthand how strong leadership can either lift a community or leave it behind. These experiences, combined with raising my own family here, have shaped my values and my belief that true progress comes from within our local communities. I’m passionate about giving back and ensuring that the next generation has the opportunities that were given to me.

Tooltip (Coaching/Guidance): This section gives you the opportunity to share your personal journey beyond professional qualifications. It’s your chance to connect with voters on a more human level. Think about key life moments—whether from childhood, young adulthood, or later in life—that shaped who you are today. This is where you can describe your values, influences, and personal experiences that have prepared you for a role in public service. Avoid political rhetoric; instead, focus on what defines you as a person.

Why I Decided to Run for Office

Example (for someone transitioning into public service):
I didn’t start my career thinking I’d ever run for office. After working as a project manager in urban planning for over two decades, I became increasingly frustrated with the lack of coordination between local leaders and community needs. One specific turning point was when I spearheaded a regional transportation project that would have benefited thousands, only to see it stall due to bureaucratic red tape. This frustration, combined with my love for this county, made me realize that real change can only happen from within the system. Running for County Commissioner is my way of ensuring that good ideas and practical solutions don’t get lost in political gridlock.

Example (for a longtime public servant):
I’ve been involved in public service for most of my adult life, starting as a volunteer in my local community and eventually serving on the City Council. Through the years, I’ve seen the unique challenges our county faces—from budget shortfalls to infrastructure issues—and I’ve worked hard to address them. However, the challenges continue to grow, and I believe that my experience makes me the best candidate to lead our county through this next critical phase. My decision to run for County Commissioner stems from my passion for ensuring that our local government remains transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of our residents.

Tooltip (Coaching/Guidance):  This section is designed for you to share the motivation behind your decision to run for County Commissioner. Think back to the specific experiences, challenges, or moments in your life that led you to seek this position. Whether it was a defining moment during your career, a volunteer project, or a personal realization, provide voters with an honest account of your journey to public service. For lifelong politicians, reflect on why you continue to seek public office and what motivates your ongoing commitment to the community.

Top Three Issues

Tooltip (Coaching/Guidance): This section outlines your top three priorities as a candidate. Be specific and provide a clear, actionable plan for how you intend to address each issue. Avoid general statements or vague promises. Voters should walk away with a concrete understanding of what you will do, how you will do it, and how they can measure your success. Each issue should include a brief title (used for keyword search), then a summary of why it matters to the community, and a detailed explanation of your proposed solution, including any steps, strategies, and potential challenges you expect to encounter (up to 2000 words each). Remember, this is like a job interview—voters are your hiring managers who want to know your plan to improve their community and what you intend to accomplish. You have up to 2000 words for the policy and plan details. The examples below are only brief guidance.

Issue 1

Strengthening Local Economic Development

Issue 2

Improving Public Infrastructure

Issue 3

Enhancing Public Safety While Supporting Community Trust

Strengthening Local Economic Development

Example: Creating a sustainable economy in our county is one of my top priorities. I plan to support local businesses by advocating for tax incentives for startups, streamlining the permit process, and providing workforce training programs that meet the needs of our growing industries. To ensure transparency and accountability, I will set clear metrics, such as increasing the number of small businesses by 10% within two years and reducing the time it takes to process new business permits by 20%. Collaboration with business leaders and local educational institutions will also be critical in preparing our workforce for future economic opportunities.

Improving Public Infrastructure

Example: Our community deserves well-maintained roads, efficient public transportation, and upgraded utilities. My goal is to implement a long-term infrastructure plan that focuses on high-priority areas such as road repair and public transportation expansion. I will work closely with local government agencies to secure funding from both state and federal sources. A key element of this plan will be the adoption of environmentally sustainable technologies, such as energy-efficient streetlights and eco-friendly public transport options. Progress will be measured by the reduction of commute times and the completion of major infrastructure projects within four years.

Enhancing Public Safety While Supporting Community Trust

Example: Safety is a critical concern for every resident, but it's equally important to ensure that law enforcement is viewed as a trusted partner in our community. I will advocate for a balanced approach that increases resources for first responders while also investing in community outreach programs. We will focus on data-driven policing to allocate resources where they are most needed, with a goal of reducing violent crime by 15% over the next three years. Additionally, I will support increased training for officers to ensure they are equipped to engage with the community respectfully and effectively, fostering trust and transparency.

Economic Development

Tooltip (Coaching/Guidance):  As a candidate, your stance on economic development is crucial in shaping the future of Idaho's businesses and communities. This section presents the Idaho Department of Commerce's 10 strategic goals. Your task is to provide clear, actionable positions on each, addressing the needs of both large and small businesses. Remember, the economy is a driving force in voters' daily lives, influencing their jobs, incomes, and overall well-being. Voters want to know how your plans will directly impact their ability to thrive in Idaho's economy.

While the Department of Commerce's plan focuses heavily on business attraction and retention, it's essential to consider how your approach addresses both Big Business and Small Business interests. Your response should reflect thoughtful engagement with these goals, detailing which objectives you support and how you plan to implement or refine them. Be specific about your strategies for economic growth, workforce development, and regulatory reform. Outline any potential challenges and how you plan to overcome them. Your voters will be looking for practical solutions, not just promises.

For example, if you support Goal 1’s focus on workforce training, explain what specific programs or partnerships you'd pursue to enhance Idaho's labor market. If you find certain aspects of the goals lacking or believe alternative strategies are needed, clearly articulate your reasoning and proposed alternatives. This is an opportunity to showcase your vision for Idaho’s future economic prosperity.

Goal 1:
Support Existing Businesses

  • Develop relationships with Idaho businesses to ensure appropriate support and resources
  • Be the lead organization for business retention and expansion efforts
  • Maintain vigilance for efficient, transparent, and business-friendly regulatory processes
  • Identify and resolve impediments to company success
  • Highlight business and community challenges, such as workforce training and education
  • Analyze long-term strategies to overcome impediments like transportation, broadband, affordable housing
  • Produce the Northwest Community Development Institute (NWCDI)
  • Engage with federal and local representatives to leverage Opportunity Zones
  • Convene the Economic Advisory Council (EAC) to review incentive applications and advise on economic policy
  • Support rural Idaho with grants for economic development personnel

Goal 2:
Strategic Business Attraction & Promoting Responsible Incentives

  • Offer superior customer service to companies considering relocation or expansion
  • Proactively identify, market to, and recruit industries and companies that add value to Idaho's economy
  • Manage the Governor's Rapid Response Team for quick response to company needs
  • Leverage the Idaho Tax Reimbursement Incentive (TRI) to encourage new and expanding businesses
  • Network with site selection consultants to identify recruitment opportunities
  • Be the lead organization for attraction efforts and coordinated state response
  • Assist foreign investors with foreign direct investment (FDI) strategies
  • Strategically deploy the Idaho Opportunity Fund for job creation
  • Engage with representatives to leverage Opportunity Zones
  • Execute legislative process to extend Business Advantage tax credit

Candidate Profile - County Commisioner

My Story

Example:  Growing up, I spent countless hours helping my parents on their small farm. From a young age, I learned the importance of hard work, collaboration, and contributing to the community. After working in both the private and public sectors for nearly 30 years, I’ve seen firsthand how strong leadership can either lift a community or leave it behind. These experiences, combined with raising my own family here, have shaped my values and my belief that true progress comes from within our local communities. I’m passionate about giving back and ensuring that the next generation has the opportunities that were given to me.

Why I Decided to Run for Office

I didn’t start my career thinking I’d ever run for office. After working as a project manager in urban planning for over two decades, I became increasingly frustrated with the lack of coordination between local leaders and community needs. One specific turning point was when I spearheaded a regional transportation project that would have benefited thousands, only to see it stall due to bureaucratic red tape. This frustration, combined with my love for this county, made me realize that real change can only happen from within the system. Running for County Commissioner is my way of ensuring that good ideas and practical solutions don’t get lost in political gridlock.

Top Three Issues

Strengthening Local Economic Development, Improving Public Infrastructure, and Enhancing Public Safety While Supporting Community Trust

Strengthening Local Economic Development

Creating a sustainable economy in our county is one of my top priorities. I plan to support local businesses by advocating for tax incentives for startups, streamlining the permit process, and providing workforce training programs that meet the needs of our growing industries. To ensure transparency and accountability, I will set clear metrics, such as increasing the number of small businesses by 10% within two years and reducing the time it takes to process new business permits by 20%. Collaboration with business leaders and local educational institutions will also be critical in preparing our workforce for future economic opportunities.

Improving Public Infrastructure

Our community deserves well-maintained roads, efficient public transportation, and upgraded utilities. My goal is to implement a long-term infrastructure plan that focuses on high-priority areas such as road repair and public transportation expansion. I will work closely with local government agencies to secure funding from both state and federal sources. A key element of this plan will be the adoption of environmentally sustainable technologies, such as energy-efficient streetlights and eco-friendly public transport options. Progress will be measured by the reduction of commute times and the completion of major infrastructure projects within four years.

Enhancing Public Safety While Supporting Community Trust

Safety is a critical concern for every resident, but it's equally important to ensure that law enforcement is viewed as a trusted partner in our community. I will advocate for a balanced approach that increases resources for first responders while also investing in community outreach programs. We will focus on data-driven policing to allocate resources where they are most needed, with a goal of reducing violent crime by 15% over the next three years. Additionally, I will support increased training for officers to ensure they are equipped to engage with the community respectfully and effectively, fostering trust and transparency.

Economic Development

Candidate Responses to the 10 Goals of the Department of Commerce Strategic Plan (Click on Link to Download).

Goal 2:
Strategic Business Attraction & Promoting Responsible Incentives

To foster economic growth, it's crucial that Idaho continues to offer exceptional support to companies considering relocation or expansion. This involves providing businesses with tailored, responsive assistance that covers everything from identifying ideal locations to navigating workforce challenges. By prioritizing industries that not only align with Idaho's economic strengths but also offer long-term growth potential, the state can ensure a robust and sustainable economic future.

One of the most effective tools in this effort is the Governor's Rapid Response Team, which ensures quick, coordinated action to meet the needs of incoming or expanding businesses. When companies see that Idaho is committed to addressing their concerns efficiently, the state becomes a more attractive option for investment. This is further bolstered by leveraging incentives like the Idaho Tax Reimbursement Incentive (TRI), which plays a pivotal role in encouraging new investments and expansions, making the state competitive on a national and global scale.

Additionally, maintaining strong relationships with site selection consultants and strategically utilizing funds like the Idaho Opportunity Fund for job creation ensures that Idaho stays at the forefront of business recruitment. These efforts are part of a larger strategy to bring value-added industries to the state, ones that not only offer jobs but also contribute to the overall economic health of Idaho’s communities.

In short, by combining superior customer service with proactive recruitment efforts and targeted financial incentives, Idaho positions itself as a prime destination for business growth and investment.