Fair and Informed Engagement

Creating a Level Playing Field for Civic Participation
iVote's mission is to enhance local democracy by providing a platform where all voices can be heard and all voters can make informed decisions. This section explores how iVote promotes fairness and informed decision-making in local politics.

Equal Platform for All Candidates

The iVote platform, operating on principles reminiscent of the early, idealistic days of the internet, aims to truly democratize political information and level the playing field. Unlike many modern social media platforms that have strayed from their original promise of giving people a voice, iVote maintains its commitment to neutrality and equal access.

The platform automatically provides equal opportunity for all candidates, regardless of their resources or prominence, to present their qualifications and positions. This systemic fairness, built into the platform's very architecture, ensures that voters have access to a comprehensive range of choices, particularly in local elections where information disparities are often most pronounced.

A standardized profile format ensures that a first-time school board candidate has the same chance to present their qualifications and ideas as an incumbent mayor or state representative.

Empowering Voters with Information

iVote is built on the belief in the wisdom of voters when given access to comprehensive information. The platform allows candidates to share detailed positions, qualifications, and supporting evidence for their claims. Voters are encouraged to:

  • Explore candidate profiles thoroughly
  • Compare different candidates' positions on issues that matter to them
  • Reach out directly to candidates for clarification when needed

Maintaining Platform Neutrality

The iVote platform is structured to encourage candidates to provide substantive information, without creating or editing content itself. This might include:

  • Detailed policy proposals
  • Records of past accomplishments
  • Evidence supporting their positions

This approach is intended to foster more meaningful political discourse and help voters make decisions based on substance rather than sound bites.

In the spirit of open dialogue, iVote has been designed to handle potential disagreements or challenges to information on the platform:

  1. The platform encourages candidates to support their claims with verifiable evidence.
  2. If a candidate believes they've been misrepresented, they can respond directly on their own profile.
  3. Equal opportunity is provided for all candidates to present their case.

The goal isn't to arbitrate disputes but to facilitate a transparent exchange of information. This approach allows voters to see how candidates handle disagreements and assess the merit of various claims for themselves.

Neutrality is fundamental to iVote's design. The platform does not endorse, rank, or promote any candidates or political viewpoints. Its role is to provide the infrastructure for information sharing, not to influence political outcomes. This commitment to neutrality helps to address the issue of bias in political information by allowing individual biases to effectively cancel out, leaving the voter's informed perspective as the deciding factor.

iVote is structured to support civic engagement as a year-round process, not just an election-day event. The platform remains active between elections, allowing officials to keep their constituents informed about their activities and decisions. This ongoing dialogue can foster greater accountability and help voters stay connected to local governance.

While iVote provides a valuable service, it's emphasized that the platform is a tool to aid in the democratic process, not a replacement for voters' own judgment. Critical thinking and personal research beyond the platform are encouraged. By focusing on tangible, local issues, iVote aims to make the political process more relatable and relevant to all users, regardless of their level of political engagement.

In creating iVote, the goal is simple: to strengthen local democracy by connecting voters with the information they need to make informed decisions. When voters have easy access to comprehensive, unfiltered information about their local candidates and officials, everyone in the community benefits.